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Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Media related to Leaders Of The 3D Printing Revolution:
Sanibel Island devastated by Monster Hurricane Ian
The Sanibel Causeway was destroyed by the Ian hurricane storm, cutting off access to the barrier island on Florida on September 28, 2022.
Date: 2022-09-29 18:38:06
User: admin
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The Giant Magellan Telescope Organization Breaks Ground in Chile
The Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) is slated to be the first in a new class of extremely large telescopes, capable of producing images with 10 times the clarity of those captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. The GMT aims to discover Earth-like planets around nearby stars and the tiny distortions t...
Date: 2015-12-08 16:25:03
User: Community of Lights
Views: 10616
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space exploration
Lyon, La Fête des Lumières 2017
Fête des lumières (or The Festival of Lights) celebrates every year in Lyon, France around 8 december. It is for expression gratitude toward Mary, mother of Jesus.
Every house in Lyon place candles along the outsides of all the windows to produce a spectacular effect throughout the streets.
Date: 2018-11-04 15:27:01
User: admin
Views: 8359
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Climate Change Report in 60 Seconds - BBC News
There is overwhelming evidence that humans are experiencing the effects of climate change, says a new report. Unless serious action is taken, this is likely to get worse, with growing risks of floods, food shortages, and threats to human health, warns the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on C...
Date: 2015-11-29 16:29:31
User: Community of Lights
Views: 10006
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Why Ant Egg Caviar Is So Expensive | So Expensive Food
Escamoles, sometimes called ant egg caviar, are a delicacy in Mexico. These ant larvae can cost over $50 per pound. And when they’re exported prices can double. But finding escamoles isn’t easy. Harvesters have to reach into nests with thousands of ants. Escamoles have been eaten for centuries but p
Date: 2024-02-12 21:25:53
User: admin
Views: 1632
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Rating: 5/5
Stunning Modern Tiny House Sanctuary
In todays hectic, modern world, it’s more important than ever to have a sanctuary space to retreat to, a home where the troubles of the world can be left behind and where you are free to dream and pursue a life of your choosing. For Derek and Jeffrey that sanctuary came in the form of a stunning,
Date: 2019-12-15 13:48:53
User: admin
Views: 6977
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Tumbling is a gymnastics discipline in which participants perform a series of acrobatic skills down a 25 metres (82 ft) long sprung track. Each series, known as a pass, comprises eight elements in which the athlete jumps, twists and flips placing only their hands and feet on the track. Tumblers are ...
Date: 2023-12-01 04:07:37
User: admin
Views: 1670
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Climate Change - Farmers Innovate to Fight Food Shortages
A United Nations report warns that climate change and global warming are threatening the world's food supply. CNN's Bill Weir travels to Iowa to see how some American farmer's unusual and innovative measures to continue to grow food as they grapple with lower crop yields.
Date: 2019-08-09 12:56:21
User: admin
Views: 7333
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Artificial Inteligence - Baked In Biases
When it comes to decision making, it might seem that computers are less biased than humans. But algorithms can be just as biased as the people who create them.
Date: 2018-08-17 13:36:16
User: admin
Views: 8026
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Biden on Internet Freedom = Anti-SOPA
In a stirring and commendable speech, Vice President Joe Biden makes a clear and convincing -- if entirely unintended -case for why the massive expansion of copyright laws through SOPA or PROTECT IP would go against everything America stands for, would harm innovation and be bad for entrepreneurs.
Date: 2012-01-15 22:46:57
User: Community of Lights
Views: 9479
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