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Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Media related to How Many Gays Must God Create Before We Accept Tha...:
Kol Nidrei - Cantor Azi Schwartz and Orchestra at Park Avenue Synagogue
Cantor Azi Schwartz and Orchestra at Park Avenue Synagogue's Kol Nidrei. His voice is like a cascading waterfall of praise. So beautiful and soul stirring. May you and your loved ones be sealed in the Book of Life!
Date: 2022-09-30 15:54:51
User: admin
Views: 2261
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Rating: 5/5
Rain Man with Autism Statistics
The classic Quantas scene form Rain Man starring Dustin Huffman and Tom Cruise, with some statistics added onto the end.
Date: 2011-04-12 01:28:34
User: Community of Lights
Views: 11248
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Rating: None
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It Gets Better: Broadway Stars Sing in Support of the Trevor Project
Broadway stars join forces and sing "It Gets Better" in support of the Trevor Project and the prevention of teenage suicide and against bullying.
Date: 2024-05-21 12:06:08
User: Community of Lights
Views: 23506
Votes: 9
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Rating: 5/5
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Sir Elton John: Jesus Would Back Gay Marriage
Sir Elton John has revealed plans for a "very quiet" wedding - and said he believes Jesus Christ would support gay priests getting married. In a new interview with Sir Elton John, covering topics ranging from his favorite charities (SportsAid) to his plans for marriage to partner David Furnish and...
Date: 2014-07-01 19:50:14
User: Community of Lights
Views: 10583
Votes: 1
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Rating: 5/5
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Jurassic Parkour = Behind the Scenes!
Jurassic Park superfan and director Devin Graham shot his own special sequel to the famed franchise using two extremely talented parkour athletes, one of whom had to do all the stunts wearing a T-Rex costume, and it’s entertaining as hell. The clip stars Calen Chan as the Chris Pratt character and N
Date: 2017-04-05 09:13:46
User: admin
Views: 12012
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Rating: 5/5
MAKE ART/STOP AIDS is an initiative of the UCLA Art & Global Health Center, as well as other partnering groups around the world, including the Art & Global Health Center Africa. We're founded on the principle that artists are an essential part of anti-AIDS efforts. Artists are able to shape transfor...
Date: 2014-01-05 20:11:28
User: Community of Lights
Views: 13440
Votes: 1
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Rating: 5/5
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This dance was so epic, it could have come from a movie! Scott keeping up with professional dancers, and Mark's joyous reactions were everything!
I can't imagine how long this must have taken to put together and practice. I also love how Four and Parallel were incorporated into the medley.
Date: 2023-07-17 12:47:59
User: admin
Views: 2333
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Rating: 5/5
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2011: Images to Remember
Images of events and milestones that had a major impact in 2011. From the Japan Tsunami to the unusual high number of tornados in the US. From the military action to kill Osama bin Laden to the 10th anniversary celebration of 9/11. Including images related to the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell in t...
Date: 2012-01-08 18:00:59
User: Community of Lights
Views: 11323
Votes: 1
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Rating: 5/5
Love Always Wins
Russia is in the midst of a violent crackdown against lesbian, gay, bi and trans people - fueled by laws that make it a crime to be open about who you are and who you love. The Olympic games are our best chance to end to Russia's outrageous anti-gay laws -- but to do it, it's going to take lots more...
Date: 2013-11-08 20:47:01
User: Community of Lights
Views: 8712
Votes: 2
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Rating: 5/5
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THE SOUND of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel / Cover Cello by HAUSER
THE SOUND of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel / Cover Cello by HAUSER: Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains Within the sound of silence...
Date: 2024-04-14 13:45:43
User: admin
Views: 1423
Votes: 1
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Rating: 5/5
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