About us
Sunday, June 16, 2024
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light body 1

Community of Lights is a Virtual Community of Individuals who are Interested in Exchanging Content and Creating Networking Opportunities with Those of Similar Interests, Curiosities/or Talent.  The web Site is divided by Beams of Light.  The primary colors Red, Green and Blue to form  the White  beam.


Check the Description of our Beams of Light and how it Relates to your Interests in Life


beams of color to white


Light is Used:

  • In Time of Protest
  • In Pursuit of Romance
  • In Moments of Remembrance
  • In Recognition of Accomplishments
  • In Creating Connections


Multidimensional beings


Light is found in:

  • Raising Awareness (shed light)
  • Creating Knowledge (illuminating)
  • Spiritual and cognitive awareness
  • Sciences and art
  • The creative process
  • The development of technology


Light for Meditation


Light is a type of energy. It is a form of electromagnetic radiation of a wavelength which can be detected by the human eye. In physics, the term light sometimes refers to electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength, whether visible or not. Light exists in tiny packets called photons. It shows properties of both waves and particles. The study of light, known as optics, is an important research area in modern physics. Five main properties of light are intensity, frequency or wavelength, polarization, phase and orbital angular momentum. In a vacuum (where there is nothing; so, when not slowed down by other particles), light moves at the speed of light; which is 299,792,458 meters, or about 186,282 miles, per second. This means it takes about 8 minutes for light to reach Earth from the sun. In glass it travels at about two-thirds this fast. Light moves in a straight line, creating shadows when the path of light is blocked. More solid things will have a darker shadow, things that are more clear have a lighter shadow, and transparent things will have none or very little shadow. Light can pass through transparent things the most easily.


eye with stream of light


Our eyes react to light; when we see something we see the light it reflects, or the light it emits. For example, a lamp gives off light, and everything else in the same room as the lamp reflects its light.


light split into spectrum by prism


Every color of light has a different wavelength. The shorter the wavelength, the more energy the light has. The speed at which light moves does not depend on its energy. Going through partly clear objects can slow light down by a very small amount. White light is made up of many different colors of light added together. When white light shines through a prism, it splits up into different colors, becoming a spectrum. The spectrum contains all of the wavelengths of light that we can see. Red light has the longest wavelength, and violet (purple) light has the shortest. Light with a wavelength shorter than violet is called ultraviolet light. X-rays and Gamma rays are also forms of light with even shorter wavelengths than ultraviolet. Light with a wavelength longer than red is called infrared light. Radio waves are a form of electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength even longer than infrared light. The microwaves that are used to heat food in a microwave oven are also a form of electromagnetic radiation . Our eyes cannot see those kinds of energy, but there are some cameras that can see them. The various forms of light, both visible and invisible are the electromagnetic spectrum. When light is refracted in raindrops, a rainbow is made. The raindrop acts like a prism and refracts the light until we can see the colors of the spectrum.




Light as a source of energy is an expression of the existence and life. Light can be defined as that agent, force, or action in nature by the operation of which upon the organs of sight, objects are rendered visible or luminous. Sources of light include the sun, a star, a candle or a lighthouse. Light is the manifestation of the power of perception by vision. Light is a source of energy that makes clear to the mind and soul through spiritual illumination, enlightenment, knowledge, information and creativity. Light is a symbol of prosperity, happiness, joy, felicity, love and remembrance.




We invite you to participate in "Community of Lights" and become part of this unique virtual community of individuals who are interested in exchanging content and creating networking opportunities with those of similar interests, curiosities and/or talent. Contact us at:


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By becoming a register user of Community of Lights Internet Services you acknowledge that you accept these terms and conditions. Community of Lights may revise the terms from time to time by posting a new version on the Community of Lights web site. Your continued use of the Service after such postings will constitute acceptance of the variation. As such Community of Lights users should consult the document regularly to ensure that they conform to the most recent version. Questions regarding these Terms and Conditions should be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

1. The Service

 The Web site provides data and other information including, without limitation, articles, publications, videos, products, graphics, video, sound, images, icons, software, pictures and other materials ("Content"). The Site, the Content and the Services are provided to you subject to your agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions of use ("Terms and Conditions"). BY ACCESSING OR USING THE SITE OR THE SERVICES, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ONE OR MORE OF THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, DO NOT ACCESS OR USE THE SITE OR THE SERVICES.

The Web site is open to visitors. However, to access certain areas of the web site, we require you to register with us. Registration is currently free and allows you to access other Services not available to visitors including inviting "virtual neighbors" to be connected with friends and family, uploading photos and videos and creating your own "beam of light".  By registering [and clicking on the "I Accept" button provided with the registration form], you certify that the information you provide in the registration form is accurate. If you do not wish to register as a member click on the "I Do Not Agree" icon provided with the registration form. Any personal information you provide in the registration form will be collected in accordance with, and for the express purposes set out in the Privacy Policy.

Electronic Communications

By accessing this Web site or sending electronic mail to Community of Lights you are communicating with the web site electronically. By doing so, you agree to receive communications from Community of Lights electronically. Community of Lights will communicate with you by electronic mail at the electronic mail address provided by you or posting notices on this Web site or any other Web site that may be generally designated in advance for such purpose. You consent to receiving electronically all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that Community of Lights provides to you.

New Services and New Terms

Whenever new products or services are introduced on the web site as part of the Services, your use of such Services will be subject to these Terms and Conditions unless Community of Lights notifies you otherwise. Community of Lights reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of use at any time. Access or use after such changes indicates your acceptance of these modified terms and conditions. You agree to review the terms and conditions of use regularly.

Advice or opinions are not provided

The Content is for information purposes only. It is not intended for the Content to be relied upon as professional or expert advice or opinions. You should seek professional advice, opinions and recommendations before acting or omitting to act based on any Content found on or through this Web site.






Permitted Use

You agree that you are only authorized to access and view the Web site and the Content and make use of the Services solely for your own personal, non-commercial use and benefit and not for the benefit of any other person or entity. You further agree that it is only where permission is specifically and expressly accorded on the Web site pages or items comprising the Content or Services that you may retain a single copy of those pages of the Web site or items comprising the Content or Services for your personal and non-commercial use, provided that you maintain all copyright and all other notices contained therein and that you do not modify all or any portion of those pages or items. You are permitted to retain a copy of the Web site Terms and Conditions of Use.

Prohibited Use

You agree that you shall not use the Web site or the Content for any commercial purpose or benefit. The foregoing prohibition expressly includes, but is not limited to, the practice of "screen scraping", or any other practice or activity the purpose of which is to obtain lists of data, portions of a database, or other lists or information from the web site, in any manner or in any quantities not authorized by Community of Lights. You agree that you will not frame the Web site or the Content or any part thereof on any commercial or non-commercial internet web site. Any special terms and conditions for use of certain Content or Services provided on the Web site and included elsewhere on the Web site are incorporated into, and become part of, these Terms and Conditions. No rights or licences are granted to you regarding the web site, the Content or the Services, except the limited right to use the web site, the Content and the Services in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. No reproduction, duplication, posting, downloading, uploading, retransmission, distribution, sale, modification, translation, republication of the web site, the Content or the Services or the creation of a derivative work based on the Web site, the Content or the Services is permitted without the prior express written consent of Community of Lights. You may not use any meta tags or any other "hidden text" using Community of Lights domain name(s), name, trade-marks or official marks without Community of Lights prior express written consent. Any exploitation of the Web site, the Content or the Services including, without limitation, reverse engineering, decompilation and disassembly is strictly prohibited. You agree that you will not use this Web site for any purpose that is unlawful.


Certain names, words, titles, phrases, logos, designs, graphics, icons and marks displayed on the Web site, in the Content or with the Services may constitute official marks, trademarks or trade names of Community of Lights or its licensors. The Web site, the Content and the Services are protected under Unites Staes of America and international copyright laws and intellectual property laws and treaty provisions.

Title to the Web site, the Content and the Services and the official marks, trademarks or trade names displayed on the Web site are owned by and shall remain with Community of Lights and/or its suppliers or contributers. Nothing contained in these Terms and Conditions or on the Web site shall be construed as conferring by implication, estoppel or otherwise any license or right to use any official marks, trade-marks, trade-names, copyright or other intellectual property rights of Community of Lights and/or its suppliers. Any unauthorized use of the web site, the Content or the Services or the official marks, trade-marks, trade names, copyright or other intellectual property rights of Community of Lights or its suppliers is strictly prohibited, and we reserve the right to take such steps as we deem necessary, including legal action, to enforce such rights.


This Web site may contain links to third party Web sites. CMHC does not endorse the content contained in any third party Web site. Community of Lights does not make any representation, warranty or condition, express, implied or statutory of any kind regarding any third party web site, including without limitation any representation or warranty regarding the legality, accuracy, reliability, quality, completeness, timeliness, non infringement, security, or suitability of any content on a third party Web site. Community of Lights does not make any representation or warranty regarding the merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose of any content, goods or services on or made available through any third party Web sites. Nor does CMHC make any representation, warranty or condition, express, implied or statutory that the operation of any third party Web site will be uninterrupted, free of error, viruses or any other harmful components. The content, goods and/or services available on or through any third party Web site is not under Community of Lights control and if you choose to access any third party Web site, you do so entirely at your own risk.


To review the Community of Lights privacy policy that applies to this Web site please click on the following link. The Community of Lights Privacy Policy applies to your use of this Web site. By accessing and using this Web site, you are consenting to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with the CMHC privacy policy. You acknowledge having read the CMHC privacy policy.

Content Provided by User

By sending or uploading electronic mail, messages, content or information to Community of Lights you hereby grant to Community of Lights transferable world-wide perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, non-exclusive license, including the right to sublicense to others, to use, reproduce, distribute, publish, modify, edit, translate, transmit, adapt, display, incorporate into other works or otherwise use the information and/or materials provided by you (in whole or in part) and/or incorporate such information and/or materials in any form, media or technology now known or developed in the future, with no compensation of any kind. You waive in favour of Community of Lights all moral rights in the electronic mail, message, content or information. By submitting or sending electronic mail, messages, content or information to Community of Lights you represent and warrant that you have the full right and authority to do so and that any use by Community of Lights of the electronic mail, uploaded material, message, content or information will not violate the intellectual property rights of any person.

Prohibitions on User Information

You will not: (a) transmit, upload, post or otherwise make available any information or materials that (i) constitutes or encourages conduct, that would constitute a criminal offence or give rise to civil liability; (ii) is protected by copyright, trade-mark or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner of the copyright, trade-mark or other proprietary right; (iii) is libellous, slanderous, defamatory, harassing, threatening or is otherwise injurious to a third parties; (iv) is hateful, bigoted or racially offensive; or (v) is vulgar, obscene, discourteous, indecent or pornographic; (b) interfere with other users' use of the web site or the Services, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, disrupting the normal flow of communication in a discussion group; (c) post, upload or transmit materials that contain a virus, disabling devices or other code that manifests contaminating or destructive properties; (d) post, upload or transmit materials for advertising or commercial solicitation; (e) post, upload or transmit materials that do not generally pertain to the designated topic of discussion; or (f) otherwise use the web site or the Services in a manner which would serve to restrict or inhibit any other user from enjoying the web site or the Services.


You agree that your use of the web site, the Content and the Services shall not be made the basis for any claim, suit, demand or cause of action or other proceeding against Community of Lights and/or its suppliers and contributers. You agree, at your own expense, to indemnify and hold Community of Lights and its suppliers and/or contributers, and its and their respective directors, officers, employees, representatives, agents and licensors harmless against any claim, suit, demand, action or other proceeding brought against any of them by a third party as a result of your breach of these Terms and Conditions.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

All matters relating to your access to or use of the Web site or the Content shall be governed by the laws of the United States of America. 


Community of Lights may at its sole and absolute discretion cancel or terminate your right to use this web site or any part of the web site at any time, without notice or liability to you or any other person. In the event of termination, the terms and conditions of use shall continue to apply and be binding upon you with respect of your prior use of the Web site and of the Content.


The failure by Community of Lights to require or enforce the performance of any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall not be construed as a waiver of any provision or right. Each provision of the Terms and Conditions is severable from the other Terms and Conditions and if any of the provisions contained in these Terms and Conditions are determined to be void, invalid or otherwise unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the other Terms and Conditions will continue to have full force and effect.


Community of Lights at various times, may have contests which are open to users of the web site and others. All contests are governed by these Terms and Conditions and the applicable contest rules. Each time you participate in a contest through this web site you agree and accept to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and the applicable contest rules.

Copyright Notice

© Community of Lights (and its domain names).  All rights reserved. No part of the Web site or the Content may be reproduced, modified, distributed, published, sold, licensed, broadcasted, retransmitted, circulated in any form or used in any way without the prior written consent of Community of Lights. To request such consent, please contact:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or in writing at:  Mauricio Gerson, Community of Lights 2633 NE 14TH Avenue, 306, Wilton Manors, Florida 33334

Also read our Privacy Policy.

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Privacy Policy

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, you may contact us by mail at 2633 NE 14th Avenue, 306 Wilton Mnaors, Florida 33334. This privacy policy covers the website www.CommunityofLights.com ; The program only covers information that is collected through this web site, and does not cover other information, such as information that may be collected through software downloaded from other web sites, download applications that may be available through links to other sources as well as individual referrals and contributions to the site.

Scope. This privacy policy covers all of Community of Lights. It does not, however, apply to entities that we do not own or control, such as applications and websites using our site as a platform to promote or market their products and services. By using or accessing Community of Lights, you agree to our privacy practices outlined here. No information from children under age 13. If you are under age 13, please do not attempt to register for Community of Lights or provide any personal information about yourself to us. If we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under age 13, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that we might have any information from a child under age 13, please contact us through at the address listed above or by sending a comment to the web site administrator.

Parental Participation:

We strongly recommend that minors 13 years of age or older ask their parents for permission before sending any information about themselves to anyone over the Internet and we encourage parents to teach their children about safe Internet use practices. Materials to help parents talk to their children about safe Internet use can be found on this help page.

Information you Provide to Us:

Information About Yourself. When you sign up for Community of Lights you provide us with your name, email, gender, and age, as well as your interests regarding the categories listed in our registration form which include Studio Lights or White Beam: Art, Music, Drama, Photography. Candle Lights or Red Beam: Spiritual, Remembrance, Romance, Humanitarian. Guiding Lights or Green Beam: Fashion, Lifestyle, Support Groups, Mentorship. Spectrum of Lights or Blue Beam: Space Exploration, Science, Technology, Inventions. During the registration process we give you the opportunity to connect with "virtual neighbors," including your friends, school mates, and other individuals with similar interests curiosities and/or passions, closer to you or from around the world. You will also be able to add a picture of yourself. In some cases we may ask for additional information for security reasons or to provide specific services to you. Once you register you can provide other information about yourself by connecting with, for example, your current city, hometown, family, relationships, networks, activities, interests, and places. You can also provide personal information about yourself to develop join projects, to collaborate in new or existing projects and to research and develop new areas of interest or ideas in the categories described above with the site administrator or with register userd and/or "virtual neighbors" of any of the communities of lights described above.


One of the primary reasons people use Community of Lights is to share content and/or knowledge with others and experience and learn from the content provided on the site related to the specific areas described above. Examples include when you update your status, upload or take a photo, upload or record a video, share a link, create an event or a group, make a comment, write something on someone's Wall, write a note, or send someone a message. If you do not want us to store metadata associated with content you share on Community of Lights (such as photos), please remove the metadata before uploading the content.

Transactional Information:

We may retain the details of transactions or payments you make on Community of Lights. If you do not want us to store your payment source account number, you can remove it using your payments page when we introduce Community of Lights Shop, which is not currently available.

Friend and or "Virtual Neighbor" Information:

We offer contact importer tools to help you upload your community of lights "neighbors" addresses so that you can find register users and invite your contacts who have not yet register as user on this site. If you do not want us to store this information, contact the site administrator through our contact us page and we will try to remove the information as practically possible. If you give us your password to retrieve those contacts, we will not store your password after you have uploaded your contacts' information.

Information we collect when you interact with Community of Lights:

Site activity information. We keep track of some of the actions you take on Community of Lights, such as adding connections (including joining a group or adding a "neighbor"), creating a photo album, poking another user, indicating you "like" a post, attending an event or participating on a group discussion, or connecting with an application when available. In some cases you are also taking an action when you provide information or content to us. For example, if you share a video, in addition to storing the actual content you uploaded, we might log the fact that you shared it.

Access Device and Browser Information:

When you access Community of Lights from a computer, mobile phone, or other device, we may collect information from that device about your browser type, location, and IP address, as well as the pages you visit.

Cookie Information:

We use "cookies" (small pieces of data we store for an extended period of time on your computer, mobile phone, or other device) to make Community of Lights easier to use, to make our advertising better, and to protect both you and Community of Lights. For example, we use them to store your login ID (but never your password) to make it easier for you to login whenever you come back to Community of Lights. We also use them to confirm that you are logged into our site, and to know when you are interacting with Platform applications and websites, our widgets and Share buttons, and our advertisements when available. You can remove or block cookies using the settings in your browser, but in some cases that may impact your ability to use the site.

Information We Receive From Third Parties:

Community of Lights Platform. We do not own or operate the applications or websites that you use through our Platform (such as games and utilities). Whenever you connect with a Platform application or website, we will receive information from them, including information about actions you take. In some cases, in order to personalize the process of connecting, we may receive a limited amount of information even before you connect with the application or website.

Information From Other Websites:

We may institute programs with advertising partners and other websites in which they share information with us.  We may ask advertisers to tell us how our users responded to the ads we showed them (and for comparison purposes, how other users who didn't see the ads acted on their site). This data sharing, commonly known as "conversion tracking," helps us measure our advertising effectiveness and improve the quality of the advertisements you see. We may receive information about whether or not you've seen or interacted with certain ads on other sites in order to measure the effectiveness of those ads. If in any of these cases we receive data that we do not already have, we will " have anonymity" within 180 days, meaning we will stop associating the information with any particular user. If we institute these programs, we will only use the information in the ways we explain in the "How We Use Your Information" section below.

Information from other users:

We may collect information about you from other users, such as when a "neighbor' tags you in a photo, video, or place, provides friend details, or indicates a relationship with you.

Sharing information on Community of Lights:

This section explains how your privacy settings work, and how your information is shared on Community of Lights. You should always consider your privacy settings before sharing information on the site. Community of Lights may use your name and profile to make it easy for register users to find and connect with others of similar interest, passions and/or curiosities. For this reason, your name, your "Beam of Light," areas of interest and picture do not have privacy settings. If you are uncomfortable with sharing your profile picture, you should delete it (or not add one). You can also control who can find you when searching on Community of Lights or on public search engines. Your contact information settings control (available when customizing your privacy settings) who can contact you on Community of Lights, and who can see your contact information such as your email address. Remember that none of this information is required except for your email address, and you do not have to share your email address with anyone. Your personal information settings control who can see your personal information that you choose to add to your profile aside from your professional and personal interests and passions used to create your "Beam of Light." You may select a privacy setting for materials you publish on our site. Whether you are uploading a photo or a comment, or a status update, you may control exactly who can see it at the time you create it. Whenever you share something look for the lock icon. Clicking on the lock will bring up a menu that lets you choose who will be able to see your mateirals. If you decide not to select your setting at the time you upload content, your content will be shared consistent with our default privacy (which may be available when customizing your privacy settings).

Gender and Age Range:

In addition to name and email address, we require you to provide your gender and age range during the registration process. We ask for your age range to verify that you are 13 or older, and so that we can better limit your access to content and advertisements that are not age appropriate. Because your age range and gender are required, you cannot delete them. You can, however, edit your profile to hide all (or part) of such fields from other users.

Here are Some Other Things to Remember:

Some of the content you share and the actions you take will show up on your "virtual neighbor's" home pages and other pages they visit. If another user tags you in a photo or video or at a place, you can remove the tag. You can also limit who can see that you have been tagged on your profile from your privacy settings. Even after you remove information from your profile or delete your account, copies of that information may remain viewable elsewhere to the extent it has been shared with others, it was otherwise distributed pursuant to your privacy settings, or it was copied or stored by other users.

You Understand That Information Might be Reshared or Copied by Other Users:

Certain types of communications that you send to other users cannot be removed, such as messages. When you post information on another user's profile or comment on another user's post, that information will be subject to the other user's privacy settings. If you use an external source to publish information to Community of Lights (such as a mobile application or a Connect site if available in the future), you should check the privacy setting for that post, as it is set by that external source. 

"Everyone" Information:

Information set to "everyone" is publicly available information, just like your name, profile picture, and connections. Such information may, for example, be accessed by everyone on the Internet (including people not logged into Community of Lights), be indexed by third party search engines, and be imported, exported, distributed, and redistributed by us and others without privacy limitations. Such information may also be associated with you, including your name and profile picture, even outside of Community of Lights, such as on public search engines and when you visit other sites on the internet. The default privacy setting for certain types of information you post on Community of Lights is set to "everyone." You can review and change the default settings in your privacy settings. If you delete "everyone" content that you posted on Community of Lights, we will remove it from your Community of Lights profile, but have no control over its use outside of Community of Lights.


Although Community of Lights is set to provide information and content for use by individuals who have specific interests in the areas specified above (see section on the information you provide us related to Community of Lights), we reserve the right to add special protections for minors (such as to provide them with an age-appropriate experience) and place restrictions on the ability of adults to share and connect with minors, recognizing this may provide minors a more limited experience on Community of Lights.

Information You Share With Third Parties:

Community of Lights Platform. As mentioned above, we do not own or operate the applications or websites that use Community of Lights Platform. That means that when you use those applications and websites, you are making your information available to someone other than Community of Lights. Prior to allowing them to access any information about you, we require them to agree to terms that limit their use of your information.

Connecting with an Application or Website:

When you connect with an application or website it may have access to General Information about you. The term General Information includes your and your "virtual neighbor's" names, profile pictures, gender, user IDs, connections, and any content shared using the Everyone privacy setting. We may also make information about the location of your computer or access device and your age range available to applications and websites in order to help them implement appropriate security measures and control the distribution of age-appropriate content. If the application or website wants to access any other data, it will have to ask for your permission. We give you tools to control how your information is shared with applications and websites that use Platform. For example, you can block all platform applications and websites completely or block specific applications from accessing your information. You can also use your privacy settings to limit which of your information is available to "everyone". You should always review the policies of third party applications and websites to make sure you are comfortable with the ways in which they use information you share with them. We do not guarantee that they will follow our rules. If you find an application or website that violates our rules, you should report the violation to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will take action as necessary.

When your "virtual neighbors" use Platform:

If your friend or Community of Lights "virtual neighbor" connects with an application or website, it may be able to access your name, profile picture, gender, user ID, and information you have shared with "everyone." It will also be able to access your connections, except it will not be able to access your "neighbor's list. If you have already connected with (or have a separate account with) that website or application, it may also be able to connect you with your "virtual neighbor" or friend on that application or website. If the application or website wants to access any of your other content or information (including your "virtual neighbors" list), it will have to obtain specific permission from your Community of Lights "virtual neighbors." If they grant specific permission to the application or website, it will generally only be able to access content and information about you that your virtual neighbors can access. In addition, it will only be allowed to use that content and information in connection with that virtual neighbor. We provide you with a number of tools to control how your information is shared when your "virtual neighbors" connect with an application or website. For example, you can use your Application and Websites privacy setting to limit some of the information your "virtual neighbors" can make available to applications and websites. You can block all platform applications and websites completely or block particular applications or websites from accessing your information. You can use your privacy settings to limit which "virtual neighbors" can access your information, or limit which of your information is available to "everyone." You can also disconnect from a "virtual neighbor" if you are uncomfortable with how they are using your information.

Pre-Approved Third-Party Websites and Applications:

In order to provide you with useful social experiences off of Community of Lights, we occasionally may need to provide General Information about you to pre-approved third party websites and applications that use Platform at the time you visit them (if you are still logged in to Community of Lights). Similarly, when one of your "virtual neighbors" visit a pre-approved website or application, it will receive General Information about you so you and your "virtual neighbor" can be connected on that website as well (if you also have an account with that website). In these cases we require these websites and applications to go through an approval process, and to enter into separate agreements designed to protect your privacy. For example, these agreements include provisions relating to the access and deletion of your General Information, along with your ability to opt-out of the experience being offered. You can disable instant personalization on all pre-approved websites and applications using your Applications and Websites privacy setting. You can also block a particular pre-approved website or application by clicking "No Thanks"  when you visit that application or website. In addition, if you log out of Community of Lights before visiting a pre-approved application or website, it will not be able to access your information.

Exporting Information:

You (and those you make your information available to) may use tools like RSS feeds, mobile phone address book applications, or copy and paste functions, to capture, export (and in some cases, import) information from Community of Lights, including your information and information about you. For example, if you share your phone number with your "virtual neighbors", they may use third party applications to sync that information with the address book on their mobile phone.


Sometimes the advertisers who my present ads on Community of Lights use technological methods to measure the effectiveness of their ads and to personalize advertising content. You may opt-out of the placement of cookies by many of these advertisers.  You may use your browser cookie settings to limit or prevent the placement of cookies by advertising networks. Community of Lights does not share personally identifiable information with advertisers unless we get your permission.



When you click on links on Community of Lights you may leave our site. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites, and we encourage you to read their privacy statements.

How We Use Your Information:

We use the information we collect to try to provide a safe, efficient, and customized experience. Here are some of the details on how we do that:

To manage the service. We use the information we collect to provide our services and features to you, to measure and improve those services and features, and to provide you with customer support. We use the information to prevent potentially illegal activities, and to enforce our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. We also use a variety of technological systems to detect and address anomalous activity and screen content to prevent abuse such as spam. These efforts may on occasion result in a temporary or permanent suspension or termination of some functions for some users.

To Contact You:

We may contact you with service-related announcements from time to time. You may opt out of all communications except essential updates on your account notifications page. We may include content you see on Community of Lights in the emails we send to you.

To Serve Personalized Advertising to You:

We don't share your information with advertisers without your consent. (An example of consent would be if you asked us to provide your shipping address to an advertiser to receive a free sample.) We may allow advertisers to choose the characteristics of users who will see their advertisements and we may use any of the non-personally identifiable attributes we have collected (including information you may have decided not to show to other users, such as your age range or other sensitive personal information or preferences) to select the appropriate audience for those advertisements. Even though we do not share your information with advertisers without your consent, when you click on or otherwise interact with an advertisement there is a possibility that the advertiser may place a cookie in your browser and note that it meets the criteria they selected.

To Serve Social ads:

We may occasionally pair advertisements we serve with relevant information we have about you and your "virtual neighbors" to make advertisements more interesting and more tailored to you and your contacts. For example, if you connect with your favorite band's page, we may display your name and profile photo next to an advertisement for that page that is displayed to your "virtual neighbors". We only share the personally identifiable information visible in the social ad with the individual who can see the ad. You can opt out of having your information used in social ads by letting us know.

To Supplement Your Profile:

We may use information about you that we collect from other Community of Lights users to supplement your profile (such as when you are tagged in a photo or mentioned in a status update). In such cases we generally give you the ability to remove the content (such as allowing you to remove a photo tag of you) or limit its visibility on your profile.

To Make Suggestions:

We use your information, including the addresses you import through our contact importers, to make suggestions to you and other users on Community of Lights. For example, if another user imports the same email address as you do or has created a similar "Beam of Light" as yours, we may suggest that you add each other as "virtual neighbors". We may also suggest that you use certain tools and features based on what others with similar "Beams of Lights" have used or are participating in, such as group discussions. You can control whether we suggest that another user add you as a"virtual neighbor"  through your "search for you" on Community of Lights privacy setting. 

To Help "Virtual Neighbors" with similar "beams of Light" and/or Your Friends to Find You:

We allow other users to use contact information they have about you, such as your email address, to find you, including through contact importers and search. You can prevent other users from using your email address to find you using the search section of your privacy settings.

Downloadable Software:

Certain downloadable software applications and applets that we offer, such as our browser toolbars and photo uploaders, transmit data to us. We may not make a formal disclosure if we believe our collection of and use of the information is the obvious purpose of the application, such as the fact that we receive photos when you use our photo uploader. If we believe it is not obvious that we are collecting or using such information, we will make a disclosure to you the first time you provide the information to us so that you can decide whether you want to use that feature.

Memorializing Accounts:

If we are notified that a user is deceased, we may memorialize the user's account. In such cases we restrict profile access to confirmed "virtual neighbors" and friends, and allow friends and family to write on the user's Wall in remembrance. We may close an account if we receive a formal request from the user's next of kin or other proper legal request to do so.

How We Share Information:

Community of Lights provides relevant content regarding the areas of interest listed above as well as we provide the tools for users to share information with others — "virtual neighbors," friends and people in your communities — while providing you with privacy settings that you can use to restrict other users from accessing some of your information. We share your information with third parties when we believe the sharing is permitted by you, reasonably necessary to offer our services, or when legally required to do so.  When you invite a "virtual neighbor" or friend to join. When you ask us to invite another person to join Community of Lights, we will send your friend a message on your behalf using your name. The invitation may also contain information about other users your friend might know. We may also send up to two reminders to them in your name. You can see who has accepted your invitations, send reminders, and delete your "virtual neighbors" and friends' email addresses on your invite history page. If your contacts do not want us to keep their information, we will also remove it at their request. 

When You Choose to Share Your Information with Marketers:

You may choose to share information with marketers or electronic commerce providers that are not associated with Community of Lights through on-site offers. This is entirely at your discretion and we will not provide your information to these marketers without your consent.

To help Other Individuals or "Virtual Neighbors" with Similar "Beams of Light," and Friends to Find You:

By default, we make certain information you have posted to your profile available in search results on Community of Lights for networking with "virtual neighbors" to find you. However, you can control who can see some of this information, as well as who can find you in searches, through your privacy settings. We also may partner with email and instant messaging providers to help their users identify which of their contacts are Community of Lights users, so that we can promote our site among those users.

To give search engines access to publicly available information:

We generally limit search engines' access to our site. We may allow them to access information set to the "everyone" setting along with your name and profile information that is visible to everyone. You can change the visibility of some of your profile information using the customize section of your privacy settings. You can also prevent search engines from indexing your profile using the Applications and Websites privacy setting.

To help improve or promote our service:

Sometimes we share aggregated information with third parties to help improve or promote our service. But we only do so in such a way that no individual user can be identified or linked to any specific action or information.

To provide you with services:

We may provide information to service providers that help us bring you the services we offer. For example, we may use third parties to help host our website, send out email updates about Community of Lights, remove repetitive information from our user lists, process payments, or provide search results or links (including sponsored links). These service providers may have access to your personal information for use for a limited time, but when this occurs we implement reasonable contractual and technical protections to limit their use of that information to helping us provide the service.

To advertise our services:

We may ask advertisers outside of Community of Lights to display ads promoting our services. We may ask them to deliver those ads based on the presence of a cookie, but in doing so will not share any other information with the advertiser.

To offer joint services:

We may provide services jointly with other companies, including companies that are in search for collaborative efforts in artistic or scientific and innovative projects, and we may include a  classifieds service. If you use these services, we may share your information to facilitate that service while also make every effort to identify the other party's and present the joint service provider's privacy policy to you before you use that service if applicable.

To respond to legal requests and prevent harm:

We may disclose information pursuant to subpoenas, court orders, or other requests (including criminal and civil matters) if we have a good faith belief that the response is required by law. This may include respecting requests from jurisdictions outside of the United States where we have a good faith belief that the response is required by law under the local laws in that jurisdiction, apply to users from that jurisdiction, and are consistent with generally accepted international standards. We may also share information when we have a good faith belief it is necessary to prevent fraud or other illegal activity, to prevent imminent bodily harm, or to protect ourselves and you from people violating our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. This may include sharing information with other companies, lawyers, courts or other government entities.

Transfer in the Event of Sale or Change of Control:

If the ownership of all or substantially all of our business changes, we may transfer your information to the new owner so that the service can continue to operate. In such a case, your information would remain subject to the promises made in any pre-existing Privacy Policy.

How You Can Change or Remove Information:

Editing your profile. You may change or remove your profile information at any time by going to your profile page and clicking "Edit My Profile." Information will be updated immediately.

Delete uploaded contacts. If you use our contact importer to upload addresses, you can later delete the list from your "virtual neighbors" list.  You can delete e-mail addresses of friends you have invited to join Community of Lights on your invite history page.

Deactivating or deleting your account:

If you want to stop using your account you may deactivate it or delete it. When you deactivate an account, no user will be able to see it, but it will not be deleted. We save your profile information (connections, photos, etc.) in case you later decide to reactivate your account. Many users deactivate their accounts for temporary reasons and in doing so are asking us to maintain their information until they return to Community of Lights. You will still have the ability to reactivate your account and restore your profile in its entirety. When you delete an account, it is permanently deleted from Community of Lights. You should only delete your account if you are certain you never want to reactivate it. You may deactivate your account on your account settings page.

Limitations on removal:

Even after you remove information from your profile or delete your account, copies of that information may remain viewable elsewhere to the extent it has been shared with others, it was otherwise distributed pursuant to your privacy settings, or it was copied or stored by other users. However, your name will no longer be associated with that information on Community of Lights. (For example, if you post something to another user's profile and then you delete your account, that post may remain, but be attributed to an "Anonymous User.") Additionally, we may retain certain information to prevent identity theft and other misconduct even if deletion has been requested. If you have given third party applications or websites access to your information, they may retain your information to the extent permitted under their terms of service or privacy policies. But they will no longer be able to access the information through our Platform after you disconnect from them.

Backup copies:

Removed and deleted information may persist in backup copies for up to 90 days, but will not be available to others. Non-user contact information. If a user provides your email address to us, and you are not a Community of Lights user but you want us to delete your address, you can do so by notifying us in writing.However, that request will only apply to addresses we have at the time of the request and not to any addresses that users provide to us later.

How We Protect Information:

We do our best to keep your information secure, but we need your help. We keep your account information on a secured server behind a firewall. When we start offering e-commerce options on the site, and you may enter sensitive information (such as credit card numbers and passwords), we will encrypt that information using secure socket layer technology (SSL). We would also use automated and social measures to enhance security, such as analyzing account behavior for fraudulent or otherwise anomalous behavior, may limit use of site features in response to possible signs of abuse, may remove inappropriate content or links to illegal content, and may suspend or disable accounts for violations of our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.

Risks inherent in sharing information:

Although we allow you to set privacy options that limit access to your information, please be aware that no security measures are perfect or impenetrable. We cannot control the actions of other users with whom you share your information. We cannot guarantee that only authorized persons will view your information. We cannot ensure that information you share on Community of Lights will not become publicly available. We are not responsible for third party circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures on Community of Lights. You can reduce these risks by using common sense security practices such as choosing a strong password, using different passwords for different services, and using up to date antivirus software.

Report Violations:

You should report any security violations to us in writing through our "contact us" page.

Other Terms:

Changes. We may change this Privacy Policy pursuant to the procedures outlined in the Community of Lights Privacy Policy Statement and in our "About Us" page regarding our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. Unless stated otherwise, our current privacy policy applies to all information that we have about you and your account. If we make changes to this Privacy Policy we will notify you by publication here and on the Community of Lights Site. If the changes are material, we will provide you additional, prominent notice as appropriate under the circumstances.

Consent to Collection and Processing in the United States:

By using Community of Lights, you consent to having your personal data transferred to and processed in the United States.