Fairy Tales with a Mexican Twist - Stories for the Soul
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Dr Jacqueline Gerson explaines that fairy tales convey life’s magic, reflecting the deep psychological themes that govern the outcomes of our lives. Written in simple language, these stories take us along soul’s path once more, revealing how the issues of today can still yield new restorative meanings. This fresh set of tales introduces characters who invite the reader to think the unthinkable, explore the unknown, and feel what is irreconcilable—resulting in a deeper experience of life itself. Staged in remote corners of the world where healing mysteries can be summoned when life’s dilemmas emerge and right and wrong are no longer clear, Dr. Jacqueline Gerson’s fairy tales show that there are still Gods and Goddesses who can intervene when humans lose their way on life’s journey. In simple language, deep psychological themes concerning the soul’s path are illustrated through new fairy tales which bring up life’s magic into often present everyday issues.  


soul mind heartMagic in Life.001

According to Dr. Jacqueline Gerson "FAIRY TALES WITH A MEXICAN TWIST (FTWMT), is a book written for anyone interested in   his or her quality of life.  "It’s an inspiration for posing and reflecting on how have I been living my own life, and question if there are more possibilities."  She explained that because the title includes a reference to 'fairy tales', FTWMT has been associated with a book for children, although it is actually intended for adults. Dr Gerson believes in the existence of magic in everyday life: "Children are in contact with that magic, but we as adults seem to have lost it, but it is there. FTWMT brings that magic in the stories it tells."

Mayan Mythology  Qurtzalcoatl Bird  Quetzalcoatl


We asked Dr. Gerson: Where is the Mexican twist coming from?  She explains: "I was born in Mexico but I consider myself multicultural. My parents came to Mexico from Europe and Russia and I am first generation born here. I am Jewish and I am Mexican. I am a Jungian analyst and while studying Jung, I not only discovered the richness of Mexico's Mayan and Nahuatl mythologies but I became a lover of mythology and fairy tales".


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"When I traveled around Mexico I began asking questions, finding out about local legends, and looking into the oral tradition that people still keep alive passing Mexican culture and mythology from generation to generation.  It is the most interesting material which I wanted to incorporate into my writings. FTWMT is a compendium of specific stories where you can clearly see in some of them aspects of the Mexican legends incorporated."


Imagination is a Bridge.001 

"As a Jungian analyst I have wondered many times how can we offer access to therapy to more people. I believe that through these stories there is a possibility to find yourself reflected among the many characters that appear in the book,  giving readers an insight into their own life as they follow the stories. The process regarding the illustrations in FTWMT was very interesting. Once I had finished writting the stories I felt the need to illustrate them so I invited artist Saúl Kaminer. I read the stories to him in Spanish. While I was reading and translating, he was painting. It was a simultaneous pocess, we read and painted the fairy tales. Saúl was feeling my emotion and I was sensing how touched he was while hearing the different stories. His insights were being translated into his drawings.  I believe that this same process can happen to other people while going thru the stories. We, Saúl and I, have thought in creating a workshop where we can invite people to experience this amazing process." 


BAND AIDS 1        BAND AIDS 2  

 "Band Aids"


"The story of “Band Aids” was written because I believe we all have a wound that at times needs a band aid, sometimes, more than one. Human beings are not perfect. Neither were our parents nor our grandparents and neither are we. We all have a wound. The question is to determine what are we going to do about it and how are we going to live with the wound each of us has. This is a story about how some specific wounds can be transformed when accepting one’s own nature and knowing that our specific wound, which constitutes part of our most intimate nature, makes us unique in this world.  That in itself, I believe, is  an important way to transform what is causing suffering."


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“Uayamon.” is actually a Hacienda in the southern part of Mexico which has been converted into a hotel where I had the privilege to stay. The experience of being there and getting to know the actual Ceiba tree inspired me to write this story. It is the most special ancient tree which has been standing there for centuries."



Hacienda Uayamon - Campeche, México


"As part of my research, I interviewed some of the local inhabitants regarding their legends.  Very kindly, they told me that while they  have a large amount of legends, they felt ashamed to talk about it because many people do not believe in them anymore, although locals do. They asked me if I really wanted to hear the stories;  I responded that I would love to hear them."


Uayamon Big Tree


"This is how I got the most interesting and magical material that I was able to incorporate into the story of the Ceiba that grows in "Uayamon."   This fits with Jung's "collective unconscious" theory. It refers to the idea that a segment of the deepest unconscious mind is genetically inherited and is not shaped by personal experience".


Ceiba Tree in Vieques PR        Ceiba Blossoms on Vieques PR

An Ancient Ceiba Tree in Vieques Blooms Once Again After Puerto Rico’s Devastating Storms

Bringing Hope to the Island Inhabitants


Jung's concept of syncronicity, which refers to meaningful coincidences, can be best illustrated by recent reports from Puerto Rico. It’s been a year and a half since hurricanes Irma and Maria pummeled this tiny island off Puerto Rico’s eastern coast, and still many homes lay in rubble, electric wires hang precariously from poles and a crippled cargo ferry system causes shortages of groceries.  Yet an ancient ceiba tree Viequenses consider sacred is staging a remarkable comeback, one that symbolizes the resilience of the island itself for some residents.  It’s the island’s oldest tree, estimated to be upward of 400 years old, and stands as Vieques' third-most popular tourist attraction after a 174-year-old Spanish fort and a bioluminescent bay that boasts the brightest glowing dinoflagellates in the world.


bioluminescent bay in Vieques Puerto Rico

Bioluminescent Bay in Vieques, Puerto Rico


For Puerto Ricans it’s a symbol of hope that we can continue, that things may get hard but if we stand strong we can make it.  It’s easy to see why ceibas like this one occupy such a unique place in indigenous mythology. For Gerson, this is an example of what she calls "the magic one can find in the world." 

Uayamon Campeche Ceiba

Uayamon, Campeche's Ancient Ceiba Tree

 In Maya culture, ceiba trees marked the center of the Earth, and the young branches ― covered in spikes like sharpened chainmail ― were believed to serve as a ladder allowing the spirits of the dead to ascend to the afterlife.  It connected multiple worlds in the Maya universe.  It connected the worlds so souls could climb from this world up to the heavens.


Dr Gerson Reading Fairy Tales

Dr Jacqueline Gerson - Author FTWMT


"When I began writing stories with a Mexican twist I did not know I was writing a book. It was actually my way of  expressing what I was hearing, living and observing in the world. Through writing the stories I discovered that there are new ways of understanding the same matter. The stories taught me possibilities that I had not contemplated before. I wondered myself where are the stories coming from, but i realized that I did not have an answer to that question.  I have also seen that occuring in my practice. Many times when  looking for answers, we pose the question and then something happens, which I have felt like magic, and we get some light into how to continue in our path, in what used to look so dark and painful. Something happens that helps people transform their lives in order to have a more meaningful existance, and this happened to me while writing FTWMT".



 The Story of an Ear


“Once upon a time there was an "Ear," an "Ear" that became so important in the Body Kingdom that he became the subject and main character of this story. It all started one day when "Ear" got plugged. For many years "Ear" had been faithfully fulfilling his duty in the Body Kingdom without occurring to him to do anything else." The story goes on until we reach a paragraph where "Ear" managed to mumble “I want to be heard, would you please help me, "Voice”?


Ying Yang Web

 Polarities - Ying Yang Web


"Standing in one polarity gives us a very narrow view of life and a very poor understanding, lacking empathy towards differences which in the world we live now is very important to have. In "The Story of an Ear", where "Ear" and "Voice" interchange roles each experiences the other getting a more compasionate way to releate to the other, the opposite, as well as the other in oneself." 


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All proceeds from the sale of the book are being donated to UNICEF Mexico

The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund was created by the United Nations

to provide emergency food, education and healthcare to children all around the world. 


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 Carl Gustav Jung young

Carl Gustav Jung
(July 26, 1875 – June 6, 1961)


Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology. Jung's work was influential in the fields of psychiatry, anthropology, archaeology, literature, philosophy, and religious studies. Jung worked as a research scientist at the famous Burghölzli hospital, under Eugen Bleuler. During this time, he came to the attention of Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis. The two men conducted a lengthy correspondence and collaborated, for a while, on a joint vision of human psychology.


Face to Face (38:05):  This is fascinating, an extended interview with Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung conducted by the BBC’s John Freeman in October of 1959, when Jung was 84-years-old. The format of this program, Face to Face, is fascinating, almost like an interrogation. The camera zooms in on the subject and they rarely cut away.


carl jung irritates


Among the central concepts of analytical psychology is individuation—the lifelong psychological process of differentiation of the self out of each individual's conscious and unconscious elements. Jung considered it to be the main task of human development. He created some of the best known psychological concepts, including synchronicity, archetypal phenomena, the collective unconscious, the psychological complex, and extraversion and introversion.


Carl Jung Archetypes

Carl Jung - Archetypes


Jung did not plan to study psychiatry since it was not considered prestigious at the time. But, studying a psychiatric textbook, he became very excited when he discovered that psychoses are personality diseases. His interest was immediately captured—it combined the biological and the spiritual, exactly what he was searching for. In 1895 Jung began to study medicine at the University of Basel. Barely a year later in 1896, his father Paul died and left the family near destitute. They were helped out by relatives who also contributed to Jung's studies. During his student days, he entertained his contemporaries with the family legend, that his paternal grandfather was the illegitimate son of Goethe and his German great-grandmother, Sophie Ziegler. In later life, he pulled back from this tale, saying only that Sophie was a friend of Goethe's niece.


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Jung was thirty when he sent his Studies in Word Association to Sigmund Freud in Vienna in 1906. The two men met for the first time the following year and Jung recalled the discussion between himself and Freud as interminable. He recalled that they talked almost unceasingly for thirteen hours. Six months later, the then 50-year-old Freud sent a collection of his latest published essays to Jung in Zurich. This marked the beginning of an intense correspondence and collaboration that lasted six years and ended in May 1913. At that time Jung resigned as the chairman of the International Psychoanalytical Association, a position to which he had been elected with Freud's support.


Carl Jung To Be Normal


Freud saw the younger Jung as the heir he had been seeking to carry on his "new science" of psychoanalysis. Freud even named him the first head of his newly founded International Psychoanalytic Association. Jung's research and personal vision, however, made it impossible for him to bend to his older colleague's doctrine, and a schism became inevitable. This division was personally painful for Jung, and it was to have historic repercussions lasting well into the modern day.


Jung and Fraud

Sigmund Freud, G. Stanley Hall, Carl Jung - Front Row   

Abraham Brill, Ernest Jones, Sándor Ferenczi - Back Row

Jung and Freud influenced each other during the intellectually formative years of Jung's life. Jung had become interested in psychiatry as a student by reading Psychopathia Sexualis by Richard von Krafft-Ebing. In 1900, Jung completed his degree, and started work as an intern (voluntary doctor) under the psychiatrist, Eugen Bleuler at Burghölzli Hospital. It was Bleuler who introduced him to the writings of Freud by asking him to write a review of The Interpretation of Dreams (1899). In 1905 Jung was appointed as a permanent 'senior' doctor at the hospital and also became a lecturer Privatdozent in the medical faculty of Zurich University. In that period psychology as a science was still in its early stages, but Jung became a qualified proponent of Freud's new "psycho-analysis." At the time, Freud needed collaborators and pupils to validate and spread his ideas. Burghölzli was a renowned psychiatric clinic in Zurich and Jung's research had already gained him international recognition. Preceded by a lively correspondence, Jung met Freud for the first time, in Vienna on March 3, 1907. In 1908, Jung became an editor of the newly founded Yearbook for Psychoanalytical and Psychopathological Research.



Mandala - Carl Gustav Jung


Jung was also an artist, craftsman and builder as well as a prolific writer. Many of his works were not published until after his death and some are still awaiting publication.



Professor Sonu Shamdasani introduces the creation and significance of Carl Jung's "Red Book." On view to the public for the first time, the book is the center piece of the exhibition The Red Book of C. G. Jung: Creation of a New Cosmology at The Rubin Museum of Art (October 7, 2009 – February 15, 2010).



The Rubin Museum of Art is a dynamic environment that stimulates learning, promotes understanding, and inspires personal connections to the ideas, cultures, and art of Himalayan regions.


Cover Fary Tales 2




All proceeds from the sale of the book are being donated to UNICEF Mexico
The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund was created by the United Nations

to provide emergency food, education and healthcare to children all over the world.



0 #1 Lily Santurtun lsanturtun@icloud.com 2022-06-13 03:20
Beautiful and wise stories that allow us to hear and learn our souls. Enjoy this book