
spiritual video

spiritual video

Narrow Bridge

In these troubling times we look to that which we share with other ancient traditions to remind us that we have the strength within us to navigate our fears. With the holidays behind us, we may feel excitement about the start of a new year, but also fear of the unknown it brings. “May we not pray to

spiritual video

YoCanto – Aleluya de G.F.Händel

Un año que nunca olvidaremos merece un final inolvidable, como esta espectacular iniciativa de Fundación “la Caixa”: El Aleluya de G.F.Händel interpretada como nunca antes. Más de 350 voces unidas, virtualmente, en un gran canto al optimismo. ¡Disfrútalo!

spiritual video

Jerusalem of Gold

This Sunday our community will observe Tisha B’av and turn our attention to the city of Jerusalem, mourning the destruction of its temples some two millenniums ago. Here is the most famous love song to Jerusalem, my hometown, sung with my amazing colleagues Cantors Netanel Herstik and Yaakov Lemmer

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