
photography video

photography video

American Cities a Century Ago

These were really professional photographers who took these pictures. Note how sharp and clear most of the photos are and these are over a 100 years old. There aren’t many old photos as good, remember they didn’t have film or digital photo cards in those days.

photography video

The Wormhole – Timelapse 4K

Exploring the idea of kaleidoscopic imagery in timelapse. This time expands upon the idea, creating scenes that feel like new worlds in alternate universes. Utilizing camera techniques such as hyperlapse and aerial video to further showcase the surrealism in the video.

photography video

Jay Myself – Photography

Through the intimate lens of filmmaker and Jay Myself’s protégé, noted artist and photographer Stephen Wilkes, the viewer is taken on a remarkable journey through Jay’s life as an artist, mentor, and man; a man grappling with time, life, change, and the end of an era in New York City.

photography video

Carl Warner: Cities

Carl Warner is an English renown photographer whose works uses real life fruits, vegetables and other real life and man made objects. This video presents some of his latest works where he uses objects to represent cities and landscapes.

photography video

Charles C Ebbets fotografíes

When America was back to work and New York City was growing up into the sky someone had to document the work that was happening, no matter how dangerous, and that photographer was Charles C. Ebbets. Most well known for taking the 1932 photo “Men on a Beam” of 11 steelworkers eating lunch high above

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