Watermelon Smoked To Look Like Meat
Smoked watermelon is available at Duck’s Eatery in New York City. The melon is cooked in the same way they’ve been smoking meat for years. It’s no wonder the watermelon looks like a smoked ham!
Smoked watermelon is available at Duck’s Eatery in New York City. The melon is cooked in the same way they’ve been smoking meat for years. It’s no wonder the watermelon looks like a smoked ham!
Disney Imagineering has created autonomous robot stunt doubles. The robot acrobats can flip through the air and stick a landing every time. The machines they’re creating are becoming more active and mobile in order to better represent the wildly physical nature of the characters they portray within
The United Arab Emirates is planning an enormous colony on Mars, but first they are building the biggest Mars simulator right here on earth.
In developing countries, access to public utilities like running water and sewer systems are often not available. The lack of those resources leads to unsanitary conditions that can put people’s lives at risk.
Washlet is a registered trademark of the Japanese toilet company Toto, used for their line of cleansing toilet seats with water spray feature for genital and anal cleansing. The Washlet is an electronic bidet and commonplace on toilets in Japan.
The recent advances in state estimation, perception, and navigation algorithms have significantly contributed to the ubiquitous use of quadrotors for inspection, mapping, and aerial imaging. To further increase the versatility of quadrotors, recent works investigated the use of an adaptive morpholog…
At the touch of a button, these incredible homes of the future can self-deploy and build themselves in less than 10 minutes, transforming from a box into a building eight to ten times its original size. Ten Fold Engineering’s David Martyn explains the surprisingly simple design concept that makes …
Nike began selling shoes that lace themselves, much like Marty McFly’s sneakers in “Back to the Future Part II.” The $350 Adapt BB shoes wirelessly connect to a phone to tighten and loosen with an app.
More than 80% of the ocean floor is still unexplored. An un-crewed robotic surface vessel that can deploy and recover autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) has been developed. The team behind the technology, GEBCO-NF, won this year’s Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE which looks for the best new technolog
Penn was built on the concept of innovation. “If it’s new, novel and holds promise to change the world,” says President Amy Gutmann, “you’ll find it at Penn.”