
Author name: communityoflights

photography video

Photo Essay – Russian Dancers

Russian dancers Artem Gerasimov, Igor Sharoyko and Alexey Kots have joined forces with Moscow-based photographer Alex Yocu, for his first nude photo series, and the results are absolutely stunning! He met Artem, Igor and Alexey as they were rehearsing for a brand new show in Moscow

photography video

American Cities a Century Ago

These were really professional photographers who took these pictures. Note how sharp and clear most of the photos are and these are over a 100 years old. There aren’t many old photos as good, remember they didn’t have film or digital photo cards in those days

photography video

China’s Rainbow Mountains

China is a country with great diversity in People, Culture, Food and Landscapes above all. Take a look at these amazing colored mountains in Danxia, Gansu province. Spectacular red cliffs colored by weathering and erosion, landscape with natural valleys and waterfalls.

photography video

Amazing Historic Photos – COFL

History is filled with unusual tales, and sometimes we’re lucky enough to see them preserved forever in pictures. Here some amazing and most unique and bizarre photos in history. Throughout the history of humanity there have been situations and events that have often been forgotten.

Art video

Tomasz Rut

The art of Tomasz Rut recently included in the Vatican Collection and blessed by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, continues to expand the realm of contemporary figurative painting to the limits achieved only by the greatest art masters in history.

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