
Author name: communityoflights

inventions video

Foldable Drone

The recent advances in state estimation, perception, and navigation algorithms have significantly contributed to the ubiquitous use of quadrotors for inspection, mapping, and aerial imaging. To further increase the versatility of quadrotors, recent works investigated the use of an adaptive morpholog…

inventions video

Self-Build Houses

At the touch of a button, these incredible homes of the future can self-deploy and build themselves in less than 10 minutes, transforming from a box into a building eight to ten times its original size. Ten Fold Engineering’s David Martyn explains the surprisingly simple design concept that makes …

inventions video

Robo-Boat Technology

More than 80% of the ocean floor is still unexplored. An un-crewed robotic surface vessel that can deploy and recover autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) has been developed. The team behind the technology, GEBCO-NF, won this year’s Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE which looks for the best new technolog

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