
Author name: communityoflights

inventions video

Amazon Go

Amazon Go is a new kind of store featuring the world’s most advanced shopping technology. No lines, no checkout – just grab and go!. The first Amazon Go store has finally opened in Seattle. Could it be the future of grocery shopping? With new cashierless technology, app-based billing, and more

inventions video

3D Human Corneas

Researchers at Newcastle University have been able to 3D-print a biocompatible corneal framework using a new gel formulations that “keeps the stem cells alive whilst producing a material which is stiff enough to hold its shape but soft enough to be squeezed out the nozzle of a 3D printer

inventions video

Home of the Future

For The Verge and Curbed’s home of the future, renewable energy generation is directly integrated into the design of the house. Grant Imahara experiences how the home of the future can both generate its own power and reduce how much energy it needs.

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