
Author name: communityoflights

inventions video

Convertible Planes

TOULOUSE, FRANCE — French aircraft maker Airbus has come up with a new way to shave off turnaround time between flights — detachable cargo compartments. The U.S. patent designs released detail removable cabins, which could be swapped in and out of an aircraft to increase efficiency for boarding pass

inventions video

Inventions – Israel Defenses

A new technological invention is being developed in Israel as part of the most impresive defense systems in the military. It involves a self constructed anti tank weapons camouflaged in the field after being dropped by air cargo planes as part of an unmanned anti tank defense system.

inventions video

Archaeopteryx All-in-one

The Archaeopteryx is a high-end rigid wing hang-glider in sailplane configuration. It is an extremely thermally sensitive aircraft, with which long range flights can be carried out – even with weak up-currents. It has the turning radius of a paraglider and the sink-rate of a high performance sailpla

inventions video

Bicycle Car

Mikael Kjellman is a design engineer from Sweden who created the Bicycle Car called Pod Ride. It has a water resistant body with a thermal windshield, padded seats with back support and windows that open and close depending on the weather conditions and includes snow tires.

inventions video

The Flying Bike

What a creation, it’s a unhinged flying bike/human blender but unbelievably it gets off the ground and actually FLIES. What a UK plumber can do in a shed eh? Considering the amount of time he spent on this and the fact this is his first EVER attempt at making anything that leaves the ground this is…

inventions video

Water from Thin Air – Inventions

Atmosphere contains water vapor in amounts comparable to all the surface and underground water on the planet. But current machines that collect water from the atmospheric reservoir have major limitations. They use electrical refrigeration to cool the air and condense the vapor and that consumes a lo

inventions video

Drone Shield -Jammer

DroneGun provides a safe countermeasure against a wide range of drone models. It allows for a controlled management of drone payload such as explosives, with no damage to common drones models or surrounding environment due to the drones generally responding via a vertical controlled landing

inventions video

Trailer – Expandable

The BeauEr, An Expandable Trailer, Is Revolutionizing The Camper Industry. Designer Beauer believes in a concept which he coined, “movehoming,” which refers to the freedom of “living wherever one wants,” as he told the SF Globe, spending a few months in one area, then driving to a region with a mor…

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