Ireland Becomes a Beacon of Tolerance Leading the World in Same Sex Marriage
Sunday, May 5, 2024
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Ireland Coming Out of the Closet

Voters rejected centuries of anti-gay rhetoric and saw the truth about love, that it does not have a gender, race, skin color, creed, or sexual orientation! The vote, which marks the first time a country has legalized same-sex marriage through popular vote, has already given one teen the courage to come out of the closet. tweeted a message they received from a 16-year-old girl who wanted to remain anonymous. TheJournal writes: "Moving email we just received from a 16-year-old girl who asked to stay anonymous on her reaction to the vote #marref." The teen writes:

"I am a 16 year old teenager, so I had no say in this referendum. But recently I have discovered that I am bisexual. I didn't tell anyone, for how could I expect them to treat me equally if the law didn't? I didn't want to acknowledge that I might never get married to someone I love. Today, however, when I woke up and heard the news, I started crying. I have already come out to a few of my close friends this morning, knowing that today I am living in a more equal Ireland than the one I went to sleep in yesterday. To everyone out there who vote yes: thank you for giving me a future where I can be happy. Thank you for changing my life forever. Not bad for just putting an X in a box, right? Thanks to your 'Yes' vote, you have given teens the courage to step out of the shadows of their closets and say "I am proud of who I am!"
