The Polio Virus: A Possible Cancer Cure
Friday, May 10, 2024

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Patient Stephanie Lipscomb was 20 when she entered the experimental treatment. "They didn't expect me to live more than two years, I don't think," Lipscomb told USA Today. In 2012, doctors injected the genetically modified version of the polio virus into her tumor. Now, three years later, there is no active cancer.


The structure of the PVS-RIPO Virus

The Virus particle consists of a protein shell (blue, red and green shapes) arranged in a symmetric structure. In this image, the particle has been "cracked open," to reveal the virus genome (yellow, pink), which is surrounded by the protein shell. The PVS-RIPO genetic code is based on the Sabin vaccine (yellow) with a piece of genetic information from a common cold virus spliced in (pink). The modified polio virus is able to remove the shield human cancers put up against the immune system, which then allows the immune system to fight back, Gromier explained to CBS. It only took one dose for Lipscomb to become cancer free"This, to me, is the most promising therapy I have seen in my career, period," Henry Friedman, a neuro-oncologist and deputy director of the Brain Tumor Center at Duke University, told CBS. Friedman has been researching a cure for glioblastoma for more than 30 years. Polio is a life-threatening, infectious disease that leaves its victims paralyzed. But, the disease, for the most part, has been eradicated after the development and widespread use of the polio vaccine in the 1950s. Gromeier's lab at Duke modified the virus by adding genetic information from the rhinovirus, a cause of the common cold.  According to CBS's report, the polio virus appears to start the killing of the tumor and then allows the immune system to do the rest of the damage. During human trials, 11 of the 22 participants succumbed to their tumors. But in two patients, doctors have not detected any signs of the cancer three years after they started receiving the experimental treatment.



    0 #1 Torin martins 2018-01-17 01:21
    Hi! Help don't comes to you until you long for it, I was diagnosed of HSV (herpes virus), I was frustrated and scared thinking it's over, thinking I have lost it all till I met DR LELE ETIMUYARU. I am so happy being healthy and getting my normal life back again after using his herbal cure, i am HSV negative now and free from hell too that I was. I am Torin from California USA, You can email him at DRLELEETIMUYARU@GMAIL.COM if you need any help because he told me also that he can cure any other diseases or virus too.