Awakening Enlightenment: An Artist Vision
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
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"Our thoughts have a tremendous impact in our world and our lives. Some people believe that our world will be ending in 2012, but I believe that in fact the world is very much alive.  So through my still pictures I am trying to capture the essence of the beautiful world we live in".


"The world is continually going through processes of which we are all an integral part of.  Our solar system is also going through an evolution involving constant change. We must shift our thoughts in the way we think about our world around us.  Only then we will be able to develop our consciousness about the WORLD WITHIN US so the real change can begin.  

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Jme de la Torre is a photographer, artist and fashion designer: He envision a better world as we are all creators.  He feel he must encourage individuals to envision a better world in their own lives and in the live of others.  Only then we'll be able to fulfill our dreams.



    Click Here for More Information on Jme de la Torre