IRENE: The Aftermath
Monday, May 20, 2024

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Many areas across the states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusets and Vermont are still under water. In Maryland, a nuclear plant was safely shut down after an "unusual event." NJ Gov. Chris Christie said the damage across the eastern seaboard could total "tens of billions of dollars."   Transportation infrastructure and systems are getting back up and running so things and people can get moving again. Over a dozen communities in Vermont are cut-off due to the destruction of bridges and roads while local, state and federal governments are working non-stop together with volunteers and relief organizations to provide these communities with all the necessary and vital assistance they need.  One of the major concerns in a storm of this magnitude is the scope of the storm surge. The graphic below illustrates the devastating impact a storm surge can have: 


Irene also had a devastating impact on the Bahamas and the rest of the Virgin Islands after flooding Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. Damages assessments are being determined and reviewed but not yet completed at this time.  We will keep you informed.
